Scientific Program

Conference Series Ltd invites all the participants across the globe to attend 21st International Conference on Industrial Chemistry and Aqua Technology London, UK.

Day 1 :

Keynote Forum

Zeena Cherain

Senior staff scientist in Ashland’s Specialty Ingredients Coatings

Keynote: Addressing Stain Resistance of Coatings by New Experimental and Modeling Techniques

Time : 11: 30-12: 40


Zeena Cherian is a senior staff scientist in Ashland’s  Specialty Ingredients Coatings Innovation group in Wilmington, Delaware since 2016. She received a Master’s degree in Materials Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)-New Jersey, and a Master’s degree in Polymer Technology from the Cochin University of Science and Technology, India. She is the receipient of American Coatings Award 2020.



Today’s discerning interior architectural coating consumers value paints that offer low odor, improved application and end use performance attributes such as flow and leveling, scrub and stain resistance etc.  Stain resistance is the ability of the coating surface to withstand discoloration caused by contact with various type of stains. There is a concerted effort in the coating industry to develop interior water-based paints with improved stain resistance to hydrophilic and hydrophobic stains. Achieving stain-resistant properties for the paints require a combination of tailored polymer dispersions, balanced paint formulation ingredients and efficient use of rheology modifiers.  This study describes new techniques such as molecular modeling (which looks at interactions between key components in paint such as binders, rheology modifiers etc),  Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM-which looks at the paint surface to decipher the distribution of various components such as thickener and stain molecules) and  Quartz-Crystal Microbalance (QCM- which looks real time at the adsorption and desorption process of stains on paint surfaces)  have been developed to get a better understanding regarding the major contributing factors that cause staining.   The objective of the study is to understand the overall mechanism of stain formation and removal that should help in designing, formulating and fine-tuning improved stain-resistant coatings.



  • Medicinal Chemistry: Fusion of Traditional Medicine | Membrane Technology-Nano Filtration and Reverse Osmosis | Nano materials in Water Treatment | Material Science and Chemical Metallurgy

Dr. Redouan Boughaled has completed his PhD from Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany. He developed industrial products and processes in Thin Film Technology at Laser Center of Hanover, Germany. On the last 15 years, he have managed numerous research and industrial projects in Coating Technology, Industrial Chemistry, and in Surface Analysis. He was nominated as an expert for the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) in Berlin, and he is certified quality manager from German Quality Management Association.





Owing to rapid developments in the fields of nanotechnology, energy efficiency, and thin film technology, a more precise knowledge of the surface characteristics and the quality control after processing is a vital challenge. It has been an ambition of both researchers and industries for the past many years to produce self-cleaning surfaces that have a good optical quality and photocatalytic efficiency, particularly with regard to a broader application. It is anticipated that this research will help to realize this aspiration by optimizing coating technologies and materials as well as to introduce standardized methods for surface analysis and the correlated photocatalytic efficiency.

The primary focus of this work is to produce thin films using physical vapor deposition technologies (PVD), which involves the investigation of ion assisted deposition (IAD) and conventional thermal evaporation methods. The discharge current, voltage and gas flow were also varied in the ion-sources to ascertain the optimal parameters. TiO2 films processed with IAD using the CC-105 plasma source exhibited the highest photodecomposition rate and super-hydrophilicity effect, with the samples as well demonstrating antimicrobial activity towards test microorganisms. The electron-beam vaporization techniques can produce, by selecting appropriate parameters such as substrate temperature or coating rate, dense layers that can effectively improve reproducibility of layer morphology.

As a result of these properties, PVD prepared TiO2 films are a distinct candidate for use in different applications involving precision optics, such as in spectacles, window glass, laboratory equipment, for example scales, and many more.





Phillip is a senior consultant at OHES Environmental Limited with 7 years’ experience in environmental science and ecology. He is a Chartered Scientist with the Institution of Environmental Sciences and working toward Charted Environmentalist. Presently, Phillip is preparing to undertake his second research paper, which will focus of bryophytes as markers for water contamination. His first paper was published in Science of the Total Environment – Vol 738.





Numerous studies have identified the issue of road surface runoff as a source of contamination into waterways, but the impact of vehicular wash-off is less well understood. Ford crossings provide pathways for vehicle-derived contaminants emanating from both road surface runoff and vehicular wash-off into a river system. Twyford Lane Ford (Ford 1) and Birchgrove Lane Ford (Ford 2), located ca. 600m apart on a tributary of the River Ouse in Sussex (UK), were the focus of this study. Biomonitoring and chemical assessments of water and sediments have been undertaken to determine any detrimental impacts, such as a lack in biodiversity, resulting from the ford crossings. Sediment concentrations of chromium (Cr3+), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) were generally elevated at Ford 1, attenuating at sampling points between the fords to then peak at Ford 2. Soil organic matter (SOM) and sediment particle size were seen to have an influence on elemental concentrations. In general, an increase in elemental concentrations was associated with a higher percentage of fine-grained sediments (≤63 μm). Elevated concentrations of Zn and magnesium (Mg) were identified within water samples taken during a precipitation event following a prolonged dry period. The biomonitoring results found reduced BMWP scores at positions close to the ford crossings, and in proximity to the roadside. Sensitive Ephemeroptera were largely absent at sampling points closest to the fords, which is likely to be associated with elevated Zn (Fig. 1). The results suggest that careful consideration should be applied when selecting crossing points over sensitive waters.




Giuseppe Marchionni is a Master's Degree in Industrial Chemistry with over 30 years of experience in the biotechnology industry, in the management of civil and industrial wastewater treatment plants.
Author of 4 industrial patents, responsible for research projects in the agri-food industry, and he is also collaborating as a researcher with national Universities and research institutes in projects and researches on the development of alternative energy sources technologies.



The whey is pasteurized at  a temerature of 80 ° C for 5 minutes. The pasteurized product is placed in an aerobic fermenter in which kluyveromices marxianus, a lactic yeast, grows using lactose.

Fermentation takes place at a temperature of 30 ° C and pH 5.0. The consumption rate of the lactose substrate is as follows:

6.0 kg of lactose per hour/cubic meter of fermenter.

The conversion yields are:

kg of dry yeast per kg of lactose used kg 0.50 (yield 50%)

Since whey has 5.0% lactose (intended as an average value), there is the following production potential:


Volume of fermented whey per cubic meter of fermenter per hour: mc 0.12

The fermented broth is centrifuged then the 30% dry yeast cream is separated. The cream is dried using a spray dryer to obtain the yeast flour. As an alternative to the production of yeast flour, the cream can be subjected to "enzymatic autolysis": in this process, the yeast proteins hydrolyze to form amino acids.

The hydrolyzate product is centrifuged to separate:

- amino acid solution;

- solid yeast cell walls.


The amino acid solution, after concentration in reverse osmosis, is dried in a spray drier to form “YEAST EXSTRACT”. Cell walls are used to produce GOS and glutathione.


Some critical phases of the process have been identified and overcome with adequate technology, particularly:

  • The stability of YEAST EXTTRACT ”over time.
  • The transfer of oxygen during fermentation: yeast has a high oxygen demand for which a bioreactor is required which induces a high oxygen / liquid broth transport coefficient (Kla).
  • The stability of the fermentation medium in terms of yield, contamination and growth rate.



The  described technology allows:


  1. To use a poor material to produce high value added yeast and yeast extracts.
  2. The production of yeast extracts currently in the world takes place from saccharomyces; in this process yeast extract is produced from lactic yeasts with equivalent nutritional and flavor characteristics.
  3. The demand for yeast extract in the world is growing sharply as it is also used as a substitute for glutamate, which has been declared carcinogenic.




Yahaya Mobmi Musa is about to complete his PhD studies as an Industrial Chemist from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, P. M.B. Bauchi, Nigeria. He is currently a Principal Lecturer with the General Studies Department, Federal Polytechnic, P. M. B 0231, Bauchi, Nigeria. He had worked in Sunseed Nigeria PLC, Zaria, Nigeria as a Refinery supervisor (which is a Vegetable oil production company). He had attended several Conferences and has written several scholarly and reputable journal papers. He has served in several committees like the Research and Publication committees. He had initiated several researches that involved plant, ProductionorIndustrialChemistry.



The root of Aristolochia albida plant is believed to have good medicinal values. Other   cultures believed that it has some mystical powers. The root of Aristolochia albida were obtained, dried and pulverized. It was used for the physicochemical analysis of the components present. The hexane, aqueous and methanolic extracts were phytochemically screened to determine the secondary metabolites present. Also, the root sample was used for proximate and spectrophotometric analysis.  The results showed that both the aqueous and methanol extracts of the root of Aristolochia albida plant contain phytochemicals like alkanol, tannin, flavonoid, cardiac glycoside and Terpenoids whereas the extract of n-hexane contain alkanol, tannin, flavonoid, cardiac glycoside, saponin and Terpenoids. Also, the proximate analysis of the extracts showed that the root of Aristolochia albida had ash content of 11.83(mg/100g), Carbohydrates of 45.37(mg/100g), Crude protein of  19.36 (mg/100g), Fat       of 10.21(mg/100g), Crude fibre of 9.38(mg/100g) and Moisture content of 3.75(mg/100g). The mineral contents of the plant showed that K was 24.93(mg/100g), Na was 33.54 (mg/100g), Ca was 33.38(mg/100g), Mg was 39.53 (mg/100g) and Zn 47.83(mg/100g). More studies should be carried out to determine its mystical powers and the component responsible for that.


Adewale Adedokun

PhD at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria


Dr. Adedokun has his PhD at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. He was also a research scholar at the Wilson College of Textiles, at the North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. He is currently a lecturer/researcher at the Federal Polytechnic, Kaura-Namoda, Nigeria. He has published a number of journals and attended relevant conferences worldwide. His current  research work is on ‘A new and sustainable approach at combating environmental pollution from textile/leather effluents in Nigeria’s growing Industries’.



The various processes used in the textile processing industry contribute its major portion to the environmental pollution. The discharge of highly coloured waste is not only aesthetically displeasing, but it also interferes with the transmission of light and upsets the biological processes which may then cause the direct destruction of aquatic life present in the receiving stream. A small amount of dye in water (10-50mg/L) is highly visible and reduces light penetration in water systems, thus causing a negative effect on photosynthesis. Escalating costs of effluent treatments due to increasingly stringent governmental regulations pose a major economic problem for the textile industry. The most effective means to curb these costs is waste minimization at the source by optimizing application processes. This itself is achieved by using some carefully chosen heterocyclic disperse dyes which were synthesized in our laboratory. Some novel 2-aminothiophenes were prepared from cyanoacetates and a range of 1,3- dicarbonyl compounds such as, o-acetoacetotoluidide, 4-chloroacetoacetanilide, and o-acetoacetanisidide using the Karl-Gewald one-pot technique. The 2-aminothiophenes are the major precursors for a number of dyestuff syntheses. The strategically located cyano, methylester, ethylester groups in the 3-position of the thiophene moiety was intended to confer a range of desirable properties on disperse dyes produced from the amines. Subsequently the application protocol enables alkali after-treatment of the disperse dyed polyester materials rather than reduction clearing. The numerous advantages of this novel method in savings from water usage, chemicals and materials and consequent benefits on environmental sustainability are highlighted in this paper.


Hussein A.Z. AL-bonsrulah

Research scholar, 𝑫epartment of Energy Systems Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Azadi Avenue, 14588-89694, Tehran, Iran.

Title: Green energy Technologies & Solutions to reduce carbon emissions


The recent climate change agreement in Paris highlights the imperative to aggressively decarbonize the energy economy and develop new technologies, especially for the generation of electrical energy that are environmentally clean. This challenge can only be addressed by a multi-pronged approach to research and education of the next generation of scientists and engineers as well as informed public discourse. This study deals with appropriate technological solutions to reduce carbon emissions by using green energy while maintaining the appropriate economic cost at the same time, the purpose of this study is to design a hybrid system consisting of PV/Diesel generator, where the two will work alternately in all climatic conditions to generate the required load This method is considered the best in the world of technology.