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Yahaya. Mobmi

Federal Polytechnic -Nigeria


Yahaya Mobmi Musa is about to complete his PhD studies as an Industrial Chemist from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, P. M.B. Bauchi, Nigeria. He is currently a Principal Lecturer with the General Studies Department, Federal Polytechnic, P. M. B 0231, Bauchi, Nigeria. He had worked in Sunseed Nigeria PLC, Zaria, Nigeria as a Refinery supervisor (which is a Vegetable oil production company). He had attended several Conferences and has written several scholarly and reputable journal papers. He has served in several committees like the Research and Publication committees. He had initiated several researches that involved plant, ProductionorIndustrialChemistry.



Abstract : Preliminary studies on the physicochemical properties of the root of Aristolochia albida plant